Monday, February 22, 2010

And the Real world... Darn

So classes were scheduled to begin today and I wasn't the least bit prepared of course. I went to campus around 9ish and found that I had class at noon. Perfect, because this will give me plenty of time to work on responding to a number of people along with actually finding where my class would be. About 11:20 comes around and I say to myself maybe I should head on over so I can find where I need to be. Well my schedule shows 014-014B, and I was told that the first number is the building followed by the room number. Because this campus is so large I spent nearly 20 minutes in search of the building. One thing that didn't help is that on the map of the school they label buildings with real names not numbers. I found the building and room number S014 completely empty and a room for accountancy according to the sign. I looked everywhere all over the building and finally decided to ask a friendly looking older gent who is a student at the school. Turns out he didn't know where the room was, but he knew the office he needed to talk to in order to get a print out of all the rooms and what buildings they are in. He really never told me where we were going, but he stopped and asked a number of people where a certain place was. Turns out he took me all the way back to the international student center, the one building I knew where it was. He gave me his name Peceli and phone number in case I needed anything. At that time I probably could have used a glass of water if anything, but at least he tried.

The office sent me right back to where I was and since I was 10 minutes late I knew there must have been some students in my room, but of course I could not find it and S014 was completely empty. On the 2nd floor I found an office, and when I asked they gave me a odd look to say what is 014B, but then they remembered 014B is the other half of S014, because they split a lecture hall into two, but the entrance is on the other side of the building. Turns out that class was canceled anyways. I went to take a look and when I returned one of the professors who I have later in the week actually asked me if I saw with my own eyes this room in order to confirm its existence.

The first day of school was semi depressing because I found that it is true that all Fijians know each other. I did not see a person alone for more than 2 minutes, because if they were not around anyone they would text them and meet up. It makes sense that everyone has friends already and there are no awkward new kids who need a friend like me. I sort of prey off of them because they are vulnerable, and scared therefore easy to talk to. So, I found it hard to talk to anyone today rather lame, but tomorrow will be another day and hopefully full of random conversation with many people.

Last fun thing! Us American crazies set up a pot luck and it was amazing! how cool are we I made Savatots because mashed kasava isn't very good. So prepare yourself for the ultimate frying machine when I return.

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